Do you know more than 120,000 fly species are available around the world? Chickens love to eat flies, bugs, and insects. But not all of them are safe for them. For example, green bottleflies and houseflies are pretty dangerous for flocks.
How to cut down on flies in your chicken coop? Apple Cider Vinegar, Mixed Essential Oils, Fly Traps or Sticky Strips, or Elector PSP to kill flies. But reducing these flying insects, you regularly clean the chicken coop, grow some fly-repelling plants, install screens on Windows and Vents, choose better quality bedding material, etc.
Why Are Flies Not For Chickens?
Flocks are fond of flies, especially fly larvae. These wings are a great source of nutrition.
However, these insects may contain worm eggs that can dramatically decrease feed efficiency and egg quality.
Plus, flies are disease-ridden as they carry different types of diseases.
They can spread Campylobacter or Salmonella in your chicken coop if your flock eats these wings.
Moreover, this tiny creature may add food poisoning and dysentery to your chicken feed. It increases the health risk of birds.

How To Control Flies In Chicken Coop Using Natural Products?
Never use any commercial-based product before trying natural solutions. Naturally, killing and controlling chicken coop will keep your flock safe.
The following are the top products you can use to control your chicken coop.
Apple Cider Vinegar
It is one of the safest ways to clean chicken coops naturally.
Apple cider vinegar contains acid content that can destroy flies and other insects.
It doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals to harm your birds.
Plus, this natural-based product dramatically reduces the foul smell of the flock house. Therefore, flying insects will visit less in your bird’s home.
Fly Traps or Sticky Strips
The best weapon to kill flies is Flytraps. Food-baited traps are a better choice for chicken coops.
Whenever flying insects sit on the glued surface to eat, they will be trapped on the glued boards.
If too many flies regularly visit your flock house, use several fly traps to eliminate them.
Place them on a little bit of the upper area your chickens can’t easily reach.
Use Mixed Essential Oils
Many essential oils can repel flies from chicken coops.
Lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, geranium, citronella, etc., are top choices.
Mix these essential oils with a small amount of water. Add it to a spray bottle.
Now, spread the solution around all vulnerable areas. Use the product every day as the smell didn’t last days.
Which Commercial Product Is Good For Removing Flies In Chicken Coop?
A lot of options are available in the market. They may kill flies effectively. But some may harm your chickens too.
That’s why choosing a safe product is necessary. Many veterinarians recommended using Elector PSP to kill flies.
Its active ingredient is Spinosad, which is highly toxic to insects. The product can kill various pests.
Make sure to clean the entire chicken coop before using the product. This will give your better result.
Add five gallons of water and one ounce of Elector PSP. Mix them appropriately and spray the solution in all vulnerable areas.
How To Cut Down On Flies In Chicken Coop?
You can minimize the growth of flies in several ways. But, your maintenance approach determines how many flies are like to visit your chicken coop.
Here are the top techniques you can implement to repel flies and other harmful insects from visiting your flock house.

01. Avoid Keeping the Chicken Feed out All the Time
Do you have a habit of leaving the chicken feed out always? If yes, flies will surely visit the chicken coop often.
Flocks don’t like to eat pellets or feed all day long. Instead, they follow a schedule for eating.
Avoid using any free-range feeding system. A hung feeder is a better choice.
Plus, the food container should be large enough to avoid spilling food. It won’t invite insects.
Make sure to store the chicken feed in a secure place. Don’t keep the bag or container open.
02. Clean the Chicken Coop Daily
How often do you clean your chicken coop? Flocks’ poops attract flies and other insects.
Clean your chicken manure every day. Thoroughly wipe everything from chicken boards and roosting bars. Also, get off the food residues from the chicken feeder.
If you follow a deep-litter method, add a fresh layer of bedding material daily. It will reduce the smell of the chicken coop and won’t invite wings.
03. Grow Some Fly-Repelling Plants
Lemongrass, Lavender, Nasturtium, Mint, Eucalyptus, Tansy, and Lavender are some top fly-repelling plants that can be planted around the chicken houses.
Apart from deterring flying insects, these trees are beneficial for chickens.
Flocks can even eat some of their leaves. They contain a good amount of nutrition. Plus, it will save you feeding costs.
But, avoid choosing any fly-repelling plants that chickens may don’t like. Consult with a chicken doctor before cultivating any uncommon trees.
04. Install Screens on Windows and Vents
Windows and vents are necessary to add enough ventilation inside a chicken coop.
But they have some cons too. Flies, flying pests, and insects may enter through them.
You can use screens to protect your chickens from these harmful tiny creatures.
However, some insects are too small. They can quickly enter through these screens.
That’s why a fine mesh is the best choice. It will keep both flies and predators at bay.
05. Remove Medical Products from the Coop
Chickens need to be fed medical products as a part of treatment from time to time.
But avoid feeding them more than necessary.
Don’t forget to remove all treats leftovers from the chicken coop immediately.
You should not delay the cleaning session. Otherwise, flies may come and disturb your flocks.
06. High-Quality Dirt Bath
Chickens need a dirt bath every other day to remove dirt from their body.
More importantly, it lets them get some harmful flies from their inner flies.
Plus, a dirty body attracts more flying pests. That’s why you should regularly change the components of the dirt bath.
Add some fine dirt or sand, Diatomaceous Earth, wood ash, fresh fragrant herbs, and peat moss to make their bathing session more effective.
Don’t forget to regularly change the dirt bath ingredients as older ingredients lose their effectiveness over time.
07. Raise Chickens and Ducks Together
Ducks are hardier than chickens. It is easygoing for chickens and ducks to live together in the same Coop.
This waterfowl species loves to eat slugs, snails, grubs, mosquito larvae, and many other insects.
Raising flocks and ducks will help you keep chickens safe from harmful flies.
The large-billed waterfowl will eat most insects. Don’t worry about their health. Ducks are hardy and are not vulnerable to common diseases easily.
08. Keep the Water Container Outside
Did you place your chicken waterer inside the Coop? Flocks don’t drink water inside the house.
Plus, they may push the water bowl and spill all around the bedding. This will dampen the surface.
You can keep the water container outside the Coop. In fact, it is better to keep it near the free-run area.
Chickens will wander around and eat various natural sources of food. When they feel like drinking water, they will sip from the waterer.
09. Choose the Best Bedding Material
You can use a wide range of bedding materials, such as wood shavings, sawdust, straw, and garden waste. Also, put the correct amount of bedding material.
Most are low-priced. However, sand is the best chicken bedding material to deter flies.
It might be a little pricier than other options. But sand absorbs the moisture and foul smell in chicken manure quickly.
Hence, less number of flies will visit your chicken coop. It helps you control these flying pests effectively.
10. Go for a Deep Cleaning
You might be regularly cleaning your chicken coop.
But, it is not enough to get off every bit of chicken poop from various areas inside the chicken coop.
That’s why experts suggest deeply cleaning chicken coops at least twice a year.
It allows you to maintain a dirt-free and entirely fresh environment. Remember, flies hate tidy places. They just go where they see dirt.
11. Say No to Mud Buildup
Muddy conditions are expected in near chicken runs. More mud means more standing water.
It creates a moist and warm environment to attract flies and other flying insects.
You can add rubber chippings or a sand layer to avoid any mud buildup.
Using any fill material is also okay, as it ensures a proper drainage system and prevents any standing water from accumulating.
Make sure to get off bedding, dirt, spilled feed, straw, or other materials from the chicken area to avoid a muddy chicken run.
Wrapping Up
Are you still wondering how to cut down on flies in the chicken coop? We have already mentioned natural-based and commercial-based products to control the growth of flying insects.
Also, the article covers some experts’ recommended tips to control flies’ growth and how to prevent them from repeatedly coming to your bird’s home.
The simple rule is to keep your chicken coop clean all the time. After all, dirt and damp conditions attract flies.